The Latin American region has evaluated and accepted three new universities as CDIO members.

We welcome theese three new universities to CDIO:

CESUPA-Pará State University Center

What goals do you hope to achieve?

a) As our main objective, we hope to join the Initiative in 2019 and thus, intensify collaboration
with other institutions that have already joined the Initiative; besides that we also intend to assist
in the process of adhesion of other institutions;
b) To implement the CDIO Initiative in all CESUPA Engineering courses;
c) To provoke attitudinal, cognitive and procedural transformations in our students and future
graduates, considering what the CDIO Initiative proposes.
d) To contribute to the disruption process in Engineering education, both at Cesupa and at other
institutions, to which our experience could work as a model.


Military Institute of Engineering (IME)

What goals do you hope to achieve?

a) Continue structural and academic reforms to fit the CDIO approach.
b) Participate as a member of the CDIO Initiative in 2019;
c) Make engineering education more interesting and motivating for IME students;
d) Becomes the first Brazilian public institution to effectively adopt the CDIO approach;
e) Show that the CDIO can be a success even in an institution of recognized educational quality;
f) Collaborate with other institutions wishing to adopt and be part of the CDIO Initiative; and
g) Promote CDIO as a model for improving engineering education through visits, congresses,
conferences and lectures.


University of Vale do Taquari - Univates

What goals do you hope to achieve?

We seek to engage the rectory and professors during the year 2019, evaluate the degree of
adherence of the institution to the program and, from these actions, intensify collaboration with
other institutions that are already part of the initiative, especially considering the exchange of
experiences and mutual assistance. This year we will also officialize our application as a
postulant to the program.
We are constantly reviewing our curricula, guidelines, laboratories, and teaching and learning
methodologies. Based on the above, we strive to achieve excellence in each of the 12 standards
listed by the CDIO initiative.

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